CQ WW CW 2014 - OK1RIG
Submitted by ok4bx on Sun, 2014-11-30 21:16
Weather was pretty awful during that weekend. Temperature was around 0°C, overcast with low clouds. It was freezing during nights and temperature dropped slightly bellow zero and all got frozen, better stay at home.
Due the weather conditions antenna did not cooperate too much. All bands except 10m had very bad SWR. So, decision was made and on Saturday morning I looked on 10m. Band scope indicated a lot of activities there.
I started to S&P, it went quite smoothly with 100W. Meanwhile, I chatted with ham friends on IRC and monitored twitter as well. It was not serious effort for score and I had still a lot of free time to do another activities. I really enjoyed that CQWW together with my dad in the shack.
Zone / DXCC / QSO distribution
Zone QSO# Entities
1: 0
2: 1 VE(1)
3: 6 K(6)
4: 30 K(25) VE(5)
5: 60 K(58) VE(2)
6: 0
7: 0
8: 5 FM(1) KP2(2) V2(1) VP2M(1)
9: 3 P4(2) PJ2(1)
10: 1 HC(1)
11: 4 PY(4)
12: 1 CE(1)
13: 0
14: 19 CT(1) DL(1) EA(5) EA6(1) EI(2) F(2) G(1) GM(3) OY(1) SM(2)
15: 16 *IT9(2) 9A(1) I(2) LY(2) OH(1) OK(2) S5(2) SP(2) YU(2)
16: 28 UA(25) UA9(1) UR(2)
17: 11 UA9(8) UN(3)
18: 7 UA9(7)
19: 0
20: 8 4X(3) 5B(2) LZ(2) TA(1)
21: 3 4J(1) 9K(1) A7(1)
22: 0
23: 0
24: 1 BY(1)
25: 0
26: 0
27: 0
28: 1 YB(1)
29: 0
30: 0
31: 0
32: 0
33: 4 CN(1) CT3(2) EA8(1)
34: 0
35: 1 6W(1)
36: 0
37: 1 ET(1)
38: 0
39: 0
40: 0
Total: 211
Operation time [UTC]
29.11. 00:00 ............ 29.11. 01:00 ............ 29.11. 02:00 ............ 29.11. 03:00 ............ 29.11. 04:00 ............ 29.11. 05:00 ............ 29.11. 06:00 ............ 29.11. 07:00 ............ 29.11. 08:00 ............ 29.11. 09:00 .........### 29.11. 10:00 ############ 29.11. 11:00 ###......... 29.11. 12:00 ............ 29.11. 13:00 ............ 29.11. 14:00 .#.#######.. 29.11. 15:00 ############ 29.11. 16:00 ########.### 29.11. 17:00 ##.......... 29.11. 18:00 ............ 29.11. 19:00 ............ 29.11. 20:00 ............ 29.11. 21:00 ............ 29.11. 22:00 ............ 29.11. 23:00 ............ 30.11. 00:00 ............ 30.11. 01:00 ............ 30.11. 02:00 ............ 30.11. 03:00 ............ 30.11. 04:00 ............ 30.11. 05:00 ............ 30.11. 06:00 ............ 30.11. 07:00 ............ 30.11. 08:00 ............ 30.11. 09:00 ...........# 30.11. 10:00 #####.###### 30.11. 11:00 ###......... 30.11. 12:00 ............ 30.11. 13:00 ............ 30.11. 14:00 ...........# 30.11. 15:00 ############ 30.11. 16:00 ##.......... 30.11. 17:00 ............ 30.11. 18:00 ............ 30.11. 19:00 ............ 30.11. 20:00 ............ 30.11. 21:00 ............ 30.11. 22:00 ............ 30.11. 23:00 ............ 405 minutes 6:45