ok4bx's blog

IOio antenna 2m/70cm for satellite


I am reading Simon 2E0HTS blog and in his last spots impressed me video how Simon and his friend M1PAC working QSOs over low orbit satellite in FM mode. Followed information about IOio antenna documented by EA4CYQ. It looks quite simple and I decided to make this antenna – first step of satellite communication, I hope.

LoTW Statistic


I was browsing LoTW site and found again ADI report of matched QSOs (QSLs). I realized that my la2.pl perl script could process it. I tested it imediatelly and it works excellent. Now are two tables in my stat.

Holice 2008


Last weekend in August father and I visited international amatuer meeting in Holice. This year we decided to stay both days, Friday and Saturday and we stayed for night in Pardubice in our favourite hotel.

Perl script for your QSO statistic


It is already over 2 years when I got my second callsign OK4BX and became more active on shortwaves. During that time I tried differents modes , bands, contests, transceivers, antennas. Now, I think, it is time to make little recapitulation.

Analysis of EU-PSK-DX 2008 contest


I joined this PSK contest orginized by European Psk Club. It was great opportunity collect in short time many points to their award program and to give few points to real contesters.

EU HF Championship 2008


I participated also this year in this contest. I was ready both modes CW and SSB, all Qsos were made as search and pounce. I used dad's IC 756PRO2 75watts and multi band vertical antenna.

IOTA contest 2008


This contest was next opportunity train little bit cw. On Friday, day before, dad modified cable between optoisolated interface and TRX to control cw keying. Configuration of Writelog contest logbook to produce CW on DTR signal on separate commport was simply unsuccessful, already for several times. TRX always lock. I gave it up after next 30 minutes and decided to try N1MM logger.

LoTW 1k Milestone


Today is Wed, 16 Jul 2008 UTC
You are OK4BX
Log Off
You have 4,017 QSO records
You have 1,006 QSL records

IARU HF Championship 2008


After one year I participated in IARU HF Championshop 2008 contest. In 2007 I was qrv only on SSB and it did not impress to me. After repair our antenna and Jon's invitation I finally decided this year to try CW only. I am not keen morse man, but I like that making qso on CW is much more easy, less qrm and there is chance make some DX too..

Rescue of HF Vertical Antenna


Yesterday in late afternoon, daddy was thinking to remove part of our broken HF vertical for repair and avoid heavy windstorm. Storms and strong wind are annouced in weather forecasts and also in media. We will see what happen tonight and tomorrow..

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