Playing with ADIF parser
Submitted by ok4bx on Sun, 2013-09-15 08:12When I was waiting for my Raspberry Pi year ago I started to learn python language. First I tried composed ADIF parser. During the time, I modified it little to use it via import command and made also some scripts.
Skript na ARRL DX bulletin
Submitted by ok4bx on Sat, 2013-08-10 09:33Na konferenci Českého radioklubu, na takzvaném OKLISTu v posledních dnech vyeskalovalo téma o přeposílání ARRL DX bulletinu. Ten je běžně dostupný na webu ARRL, avšak automaticky zasílán jen jeho členům.
Pro mě osobně je v této době buletin nezajímavý dokument a tak jej úspěšně ignoruji.
Explore DXCC in Google Earth
Submitted by ok4bx on Mon, 2013-01-14 21:08I love geography, I love explore world in Google earth and I love hamradio. After years, I can't still say I know all prefixes of DXCC entities. So, I got idea write simple python script and put DXCC entities into Google earth and start explore. If you have same passions, lets download pfx.kmz and open GE
Prefix quiz in Python
Submitted by ok4bx on Sun, 2012-06-03 19:15For anyone who wants drill hamradio prefixes like me, I wrote this simple python script. It is my next python exercise. It works only one way: Question is prefix, Options are DXCC entity names. It is based on cty.dat. It is available at and must be in same directory as code below. Hit ctrl-c or ctrl-break to exit app.
Have a fun !
Adif parser in Python
Submitted by ok4bx on Tue, 2012-05-01 11:17I am one of many who is waiting for Raspberry Pi. For make waiting more fun I decided learn Python programming language, which will be one focused in Raspberry Pi Linux distribution. They claim it is ideal for beginners and easy to learn. Yes, it is, very friendly and intuitive. I like it!
I used it already for build some DXKeeper's tool. Next challenge/exercise was write adif parser, as I already did it in Perl, some year ago.