Icom 756 pro II external keypad

I was reading English user manual and I found interesting thing to me. External keyboard to trigger 4 built-in CW or voice memories. I often use them in contests especially if there is fixed exchange like ARRL DX, IARU, CQ WW etc.. Sometimes only happen to me, that I hit in hurry another key on TRX and instead keying memory content I change mode. After all of that, idea about external keyboard impressed me a lot..

I used plastic box of commodore cartridge which I accidentaly bought long time ago and it looks unsuitable for anything. Smart dimensions and also good for several switches and resistors.

At first I took one layer PCB and fitted it inside box.

Several days took me browsing internet shops and find right components to make idea of external keypad more accurate.. Dad bought switches then in local store for me, unfurtunatelly they had one red and three black on stock.

Drilled four holes to plastic box and arranged switches to their positions on PCB. Then I could diveded PCB into sectors and solder everything together. Really nothing complicated, 4 switches and 4 resistors.

Keypad worked immediately on first try – excellent.

Thanks a lot to my father for his support and assistance during build, you know, it make me crazy when I can not find right tools in his workroom.