OQRS script for DXKeeper


OQRS is Online QSL Request System. You do not need send your QSL card to station or manager, just submit your QSO data and pay with paypal for postage otherwise your QSL card will arrive via bureau.

I randomly discovered this great option how ask for QSL card. Problem is that every station or manager can have different OQRS type and run on own website. Another issue is match my contacts with each OQRS manager, i.e. M0OXO maintains over 100 stations and I cannot imagine search for each one in my logbook.

For this purpose I composed script which marks every QSO in DXKeeper logbook as suitable with OQRS.

How it works?

You need script itself – oqrs.txt and run it in Dxkeeper. It will modify user field 6. I was thinking add manager to qsl_via etc, but modify only user field seems to me safer way.

Add search OQRS button with this value

APP_DXKeeper_USER_DEFINED_6 like 'oqrs_<filtertextbox>'

Now type to search box

  • * – asterisk it means all OQRS QSO
  • manager's callsign – see qso to specific manager i.e. M0OXO

List of OQRS Service supported by current version of DXKeeper script.


Script Crashes. What do you

Script Crashes.

What do you set up in the user items?

Hi, as mentioned in blogpost,

Hi, as mentioned in blogpost, script write by proper qso to field "APP_DXKeeper_USER_DEFINED_6 " value "oqrs_". I.e. on the screenshot "oqrs_m0oxo".

What version of Dxkeeper do you use? Any error message during/after script crash?
You can send me your downloaded script and I will run it here, perhaps I can replicate error..